I Love You

Keep me awake.
I can feel my eyes drooping.
I'll fight with them.
Just keep on talking and I know
I'll make it through.
I'm getting dizzy.
You're voice is fading.
Just keep talking.
Tell me that you need me,
want me, love me, just want
to hold me forever.
Tell me I'm invincible.
I'll hear you.
I can't move myself.
I can tell you're worried.
Just keep talking.
I feel like a Lifetime movie.
I can't feel you holding
me anymore.
Squeeze me tight
so i know you're still there
Do you know I'm still here?
But I'm getting sleepy.
Just keep me awake.
Don't you want me to
stay with you forever?
I want to stay with you.
I only see black now.
Did I close my eyes?
I don't remember.
I can hear though.
You're saying my name.
It sounds funny though.
Are you crying?
Don't cry.
I'm still here with you.
I hear a new sound.
It's loud.
I hear new voices now.
I hear you talking to them.
Are you still holding me?
Is that your hand I feel?
You say something.
You say I'll be okay.
You tell me to wake up.
I don't know what time
it is anymore.
My mom is here.
She is crying.
Don't let her cry
because of me.
I'm here.
Tell her I'm here.
When did that beeping start?
It won't stop.
There is a little hand in mine.
Is it my brother?
Is that him touching my face?
He gives me a little boy kiss
on my cheek.
You are near me again.
Am I smiling?
I want to smile at you.
Your lips touch mine.
Something wet hits my face.
A tear.
You wipe it away and kiss
where it left a sticky feeling.
I love you.
Can you here me?
I love you.
Listen to me.
I love you.
I see gray now not black.
I feel you holding my hand
I try to squeeze it.
To tell you
I love you.
You're telling me
to open my eyes now.
I'm trying.
I'm trying really hard.
I see red now.
You put your hands on my cheeks
They're warm.
Am I smiling yet?
You make a happy noise.
You tell me to wake up.
I love you.
I want to say.
Did I say it?
"I love you too baby"
Good. I said it.
I get tired again. I see black.
I can't move myself.
Did you stop holding my hand?
You're yelling,
but you don't sound loud.
You sound like you're under water.
Now I can't hear you anymore.
I love you.
I can't hear that beeping anymore.
I feel better now.
Remember that
I love you.