Little Girl's Lullaby

Pretty as a princess
Her look made you high
Such a pretty smile
it made you wanna die

But she arrives home
each day for a dread of the night
Serene silence, or for a time,
after the girl turns out the light

Blue sky fades to black
Sun is down, stars are out
But the peace is disturbed
by a horrible shout

Daughter's lullaby begins...

Momma screams
Daddy Shouts
She hates to hear
the horrible bouts

The pretty child cries,
her pillow moist
She stays silent;
like she has a choice

She's praying to God
to take her away
For the fight to end,
for the next day

With a crash of a vase,
and following screams
The child sits and prays
for approaching dreams

She hears her lullaby...

The howls carry long
into the night
Then eventually comes
the end of the fight

The Innocent Daughter's lullaby ends

The next night
lights go out
the girl hears the
starting shout

The daughter's lullaby begins....