Diary of an Insomniac

oh oh the woe
why won't you go to rest
your weary eyes
you'll get yourself deprived
though of what, you can't replenish
as easily as drinking coffee
there is no quick fix
for this
you'll have to enjoy the mix
of assorted details that you remember
from your day
if you can tell me
when your day started
when your eyes parted
for the last time
and no, a blink does not count
a wink will not amount
rather it will use the much needed energy
to last through your daylight hours
on heel and on foot
you must keep yourself alert
and focused
as best you can
and I know
believe me, I know
that it is no easy feat
to stay on your feet
all the live long day
but this is what you get
nay, what you asked for
when you decided that you
should watch a movie at 3am
awake and breathing
but not truly dreaming
for you can touch what you see
as long as you'll be
and thinking
or at the very least
going through the motions
eat, breathe, walk,
talk even, if the need arises
but to form a coherent sentence
may be asking too much
and your explanation?
yes, that's right
it was your own bright
idea, it was, to go the whole night
awake, and yet, dreaming
not dead, but still breathing
and so I'll repeat myself
though I hate to repeat myself
yes, I hate to repeat myself
but this is what you get