Lost Memories

look at the blank sheet of paper
and I realize we are just the same
I am colorless, lifeless,
Empty and hollow
I am trying to fill the gap in my heart

The key...
to my Lost Memories

Searching for the happiness,
the sadness,
the tears and the love
The things that make you alive

I feel like I have been born
into a life I can't recall
and a heart
I can never call my own

I have called out to it
but nothing echoes back
I try to remember
but my memories
just seem to float away

I look around me
and I see man and wife,
brothers and sisters
and I find that is what I want in life

Someone who understands me
Someone I can spend my life with
But I know
I am just alone

I look at the blank sheet of paper
and I realize we are just the same
I am colorless, lifeless,
And I will always be searching...

Searching for my Lost Memories.