"If Only It Could Be"

We're friends, we're fine
You're popular, I'm lame
When will it be that time
That we are the same

We share many traits
You love each day
I like to hate
And yet, we're okay

You have loved too many times
I have hated so much more
But one special sound, that one wind chime
Can ring me back to something I adore

Your voice reminds me
Of better times, of a better life
If only it could be
If only it could be

You sit there with those you love
And you've forgotten me
You've risen above
I'm happy, it's true

I wish you could love me as much as them
Like it used to be
You're my beautiful pearl, a shining gem
In all this madness; its a secret

I wish you health and wealth
I hope you raise a family
I'll fade away, with that instilled stealth
I'll disappear; its nothing for you to worry

If only it could be
If only it could be
I'm gone now, its true

If only it could be
If only it could be
No need to remember me
I'm gone now

If only it could be
If only it could be.