Why does broken hurt less then being loved?

The blade of my knife curves with my flesh
As the blood runs little in my chosen spot
Why here?
Cuting my wrist or throat would make no difference
I'm bleeding, I'm crying
the pain is no less,
I dont know what to do
The pills dont get me anything but a buzz
The knife is cold and rough but only for a second
My starvation can only last so long
Life seems so hurtful but I grin and bare it
Having people believe in you and love you hurts more still
How much can one person hurt?
The thrashing of ones very soul isn't enough to kill them
But then why is it i want ot end it every time I look in the Mirror?
Just to no longer have to face the pain,
Whats worse, the pain of dieing or
the fact that you would hurt so many other people if you killed your self?
The world spins in many circles as the end comes closer and closer
Is it worth the pain,
Is it worth dieing for?
Tears fall down my cheek to softly soak my pillow
They run red but not that of my blood
But that of what has been left of my broken soul.
All is laid to rest in time
MIne was sooner then aticipated.

A frightened child hiding from a summer's storm