Did you think

Did you think that I would cry over you ?
What if I have no more tears to cry ?
What if the fountain in my head has run completely dry ?
I've spent so many years, with my eyes full of tears
I have nothing left inside to waste, on stupidity like you
And all the shit you put me through
I'm tired of living my life full of fear
Every day ending full of silent tears
Did you think I would die without you ?
What if I'm already dead inside ?
Sure maybe, I thought you were my guide
Not long after that, that thought died
Cuz no matter what I'm still here with or without you
If you want me
You can't have me
If you need me
I hope you die without me
I hope you cry about me
And how you could have had me
I hope you have nightmarish dreams about me
I hope you wake in the nights and scream about me
After all the shit you put me through
And all the secrets I told to you
I should have known better than to put my trust in you
I thought you'd understand
You know someone like you was never part of my plan
I thought you'd help me through my struggles
Not be the cause of all my troubles
Not a person who'd make my hate towards this world stronger
But the person who'd make me want to stay on this earth longer
But I guess I was wrong
You took way to long
You broke my heart
And tore my life apart
My heart said not to trust you
But my body was so drawn to you
I gave you a chance, and I wound up getting screwed
But that's ok, just peachy, just perfect
Your not worth the pain and you'll never be worth it
I knew that when you asked me that one question
That you didn't really like me for me
You liked me for what you saw on the outside
Now it's my turn to ask the questions
When you look at me what do you see ?
Do you see me ?
Or is it just a body ?
Did you ever really like me ?
Did you mean any of those nice ass little nothings you whispered in my ear ?
Or did you think that all of that would just relieve me of my fears ?
Did you actually want me ?
As if you couldn't live without me ?
Like I wanted you
This is why I do not trust
This is why I don't give into lust
This is why I can not love
Not after you and what you did to me
Thats just it why can't anyone see ?
But now that it's all said and done
I could say what I've always wanted to
This will be fun
Go fuck yourself
And screw you
Cuz I'm never going to.