what is wrong with teen girls these days

i am really sick
of people obsessing
over joe jonas
and the rest of them
because they're
just not that special
their music is cookie-cutter
and not original at all
and i hate looking at
the new stories on
this site but only
find fanfics about
the authors becoming
disney channel stars
and hooking up with
joe jonas which is
really pathetic
whatever happened
to the girls that
didn't obsess over
people they'd never
met and still act like
they know everything
about that person
they could all be
dumb druggies and
players for all you
know so stop
insulting yourselves
with this stupidity
whatever happened
to the creativity
and the individuality
people say they
are individuals
but then they go
and act like everyone
else it's so annoying
i broke away and
when i did it was
like breathing for
the first time so
i say push the
'jobros' off a cliff
and dance to
your own tune