
No, it’s just the voices; just the little bits of consciousness floating around in our heads.

You see the thing is I have these little voices that live inside my head. Whenever I don’t want them there, they seem to scream and laugh instead. And when I’m all alone, they leave just like the rest; they stay silent and still inside my head

Argh, just go away, just leave me alone
Get the fuck out, this is not your home
I don’t want you’re here your nothing but nuisance
So just get out GO GO GO!
Please just leave me alone.

She bangs her head against the wall and yells and yells til she can yell no more
Just get the hell out just leave me the fuck alone
You don’t have to be here
So please just go
You’re no better than the rest
You always leave when you’re needed
If you won’t be of help, please just leave me.

She weeps into her hands
Suddenly afraid
No please don’t go
I didn’t mean it I swear
You’re the only ones that listen
The only ones that care
You know when I need you
And I know you’re always there
I’m so very sorry
I didn’t mean it one bit
Please come back
Don’t leave again.

The little voices arise, slightly smug but still caring
You don’t have to worry
This is all in your head.

Her eyes open.

[A/N: Yes this is what happens when I am left on my own, I create these amazingly non-sensicle pieces of...stuff. Just a little trip into the strange workings of my head. Sorry.]