A Hopeless Case

Every rose, dead or alive, houses much more beauty than any person could contain.
I wish I was a rose...
Every song, played loud or hushed, has so much more meaning than any person could comprehend.
I wish I could understand music...
Every word, in a poem or a story, has many more synonyms hiding the truth, much more than any person could create.
I wish I could see through the lies...
Every stroke, in paint or in charcoal, gives off much more radiance than any person could imagine.
I wish my eyes could visualize...

I wish I may, I wish I might: Accept what I can't be.

I am Sarah; Sarah I am.
I have brown eyes and light brown hair.
I am five feet tall: Slender and curvy.
I have OCD which makes me stress, plus I think enough for everyone.
I have a strict fashion: Tank-tops and jeans with mens shoes; Don't forget the big earrings.
I am very opinionated and considered outspoken.
Yet the things that mean the most to me, I keep stored away in my heart.
I stare at the stars and have a fetish with roses.
ART, ART and lots more ART complete me and my brain.

I wish I may, I wish I might: Accept what I am.

I am you: I am me.
There's nothing unique.
What I've done, has already been done.
What I feel, has already been felt.
What I've seen, has already been seen.
What's the point of living, when it's all been done for me?
I should put a bullet through my skull, or twist a knife in my heart.
But I won't, because I deserve to suffer; Living is suffering.
I am an ugly backstabbing monster like you.
I've lied and cried, just like you.
I've laughed and smiled, just like you, too!
I've been in love and I've been hated.
I've been sorry, or careless at times.
Lemme guess: You have too?
I cry at night because I have problems, yet you have problems as well.
I want to be pretty or funny or DIFFERENT!
But I'll just be Sarah; That's all I am.
I bet you already know a girl named Sarah...
If not, here I am!
I could go on and on forever; This is a hopeless case, indeed.