Split Love

A days, months, centuries go by
I think my heart is full
In truth I've been missing
The part that makes me whole
A love that is true
A love that is mine
Someone who has been missing me
All through time
But now it seems to break
One True love, for each person
My love was split
Now there are two
So a like they are
Yet they don't believe me
Nearly everything physical
But the color of their hair and eyes
Even their personalities slightly match
Though conflict in beliefs exist
They both love me
So much it hurts
I hate that I love them both
So equally I can not choose
To love one or the other
So the choice I make isn't mine
Fate has choosen my destiny
I will marry one
Though my eldest son will be the other
My little Xander
He says he won't get mad
For he will have a son and daughter
My darling Rhyael
My baby Jace
Time passes
The one shall die
My loves will become one
I will finally be complete
I will have one true love
With the traits of each
Though I doubt
I will ever forget
My Alexander