Blood in the Snow

Blood in the Snow

The sun is dying to the night,
The ground is tainted white
Black trees loom forlorn
As she runs through the night.

Her shoes scar the once perfect layer of snow
Her cries wreck the tranquil silence of the woods
She slips and falls as her body slams into the white
Pain blazes through her limbs as she's full of fright
Beneath the snow was a layer of ice
That sliced her hands oh so nice
That turned her body numb with pain
As bruises developed faster than a pouring rain

The girl's body throbs
As she chokes on more sobs
Blood snakes off her fingers
And pools into the snow
The red eats away at the pure white
A horrific sight
Loneliness eats away at her soul
As she looks down at the covered soil
Red on white
Her blood splattered in the snow

Crimson dripping from her hand
She rises to her feet
Leaving a trail of red on the land
She limps until she comes across a street
The exact moment a driver loses control
The SUV smashes into the poor girl
Flinging her body back into the white
Her body alive with fright
With crimson pouring from head to toe
The girl screams at all the blood in the snow.