

Everything about you
Will never feel real again

I can't take you seriously
I can't look you in the eye
Without seeing the person you've become,
Emerge and crush every hope
Of you coming back.

Fighting myself to accept this,
A little more every time.
I don't know what came over me
But confidence seeped through my heart
It was my only chance to tell you
What I had bottled up inside for way too long.

You still don't understand me
Frustration passes on
Wanting to turn back,
but my only choice is to go straight.
Foreward, taking steps
As I tilt my head back and remember everything I won't

"I long for yesterday"
Are the words ringing through my head
It's what I believe now
It's what I'll always know
While I'm still shaking and screaming
At whatever's left.

Everything about you now
Will never feel real again

I can't take it,
You can't look into my eyes
And see what you've become.
To this day you still hurt me
Because you'll never notice
How much torture you'll always put me through.

(c) E.P.