
You frown at me and say,
you are so childish,
every time I jump on the
bed, or eat Nutella
with a spoon and giggle
when some is on my nose
though you often join in
you talk in a funny
voice, and I meow like
a cat and we both smile
I consider you my
bestest-of-bestest friend
but you change with the wind
you are warm and smiling
but turn cold and icy
in the blink of an eye
I saved you a cherry
blossom I found today
I thought it was pretty
and I tried to talk to
you, but you walked away
and wouldn't look at me
I asked you what was wrong
why you run away when
I try to talk to you
you said, I dunno, maybe
I want a break from you,
I said, well next time just
tell me so I don't think
that you're ignoring me
and I can leave you alone,
you won't tell me what I
did or how I can change
to make you happy and
I'm trying to be nice
and accommodating
but you always refuse
you say I am childish
but sometimes I wonder
who the real child is.