The horrible fact is, I love you.

I don't know how you do it,
You always made me feel loved,
One of my first highschool friends,
Always made me feel accepted.

Even when your hatred peaked,
You hated the very sight of me,
Being near me made you agitated,
But you still looked after me.

I always thought that you were gorgeous,
Eyes gleaming, face of an angel,
I didn't care what anyone else said,
I loved you for who you are.

You are so unique, so different,
I couldn't help but be beguiled.
I never knew what to say to you,
I never thought i'd be worthy of you.

I know that sometimes you feel lonely,
That nobody else cares about you,
But I would give up my entire world,
Just to be able to hug you again and again.

I'v had oppurtinities arise,
Where I could have a partner,
Another person by my side,
But I decline. I'm waiting for you.

I spend endless nights awake,
Drowning in thoughts and sorrow.
I could do otherwise, talking to another,
But i'd rather wait for you.

I could hold anothers hand,
Smile as we walk along,
But deep down i'd be distraught,
Because it isn't your hand i'm holding.

The horrible fact is, I love you.
Always have, always will.
I'd rather wait in depression and sorrow,
Hoping one day, you might feel the same.