No Time...

My desolate tears fall from my eyes mirroring my inner entity. Splashing power upon my every orifice her graceful paintbrush strokes my soul. Towering in me my own boundaries hold my mind from its freedom. Why is it I feel so useless? No cage is able to hold my heart, No hand able to seize my mind. A wild hawk held in captivity... It's mate just to the cage to the right... They touch wings but their minds and body's are not satisfied. To fly free above the fire, they await patiently to fly freely at each others sides.

Like the rivers of the Nile... I wash away your blemishes. Bath in me my love, my blood will cleanse you. Stare within my eyes for they hold no evil in you. Hold out your hands and in them I will fill myself.... Twisted in black ribbon your body a temple for all that is beauty... Upon a bed of velvet rose pedals I lay down your broken mind... Like a watch-master I will repair you...

No time to morn for what was once...

No time to dwell in that which our hands do not touch...

No time to lose for any time without you is wasted time...