A New Tomorrow is on the Way

We promised never to change
We would always be the same

We promised never to forget
We would never regret

The past is behind us
And the future ahead
One is certain
It's long gone
And dead
The other, is a mystery
It's scary
And yet to be tread

These things are certain

But who are we today?
Do you remember yesterday?
Are you ready for tomorrow?

Yesteryear was full of joy and sadness
Promises made
Promises kept
Promises broken
Many tears wept

Do you remember who you were?

We learn things from the past
But do we really?
What have you learned?
Have you grown at all?

Are you sure?

While tomorrow draws closer
To becoming today
Think about it
Who were you yesterday?
And who are you today?
How have you changed?
And what have you done?

I'm not sure what I will do
I sometimes forget
What I have done
I don’t feign knowledge
Of who I am now
Nor did I before
But I can laugh
And smile true
And I let this knowing
Course through my veins
Let it course through and through

We promised never to change
But we grew

We promised never to forget
But still we knew

We would forget
And we would change
We have regrets
We've become something strange

I guess what it is
That I'm trying to convey
Is say what you mean
And mean what you say

We will change
And what is here will be gone
But tomorrow will bring the new
A brighter, smiling song

What happened before
Was said by the naïve
We had no idea
How rich a tapestry we would weave

And all this is a cover up
For a deeper issue yet





I'm sorry I forgot you
Who you were
And who I was
But times are different
We both grew
And we both need yet to grow
This I can honestly say
Without hint of a lie
This I know