A Cry For Help

Every cut of the blade on the wrist is a cry for help.
Every time you think of harming yourself is a cry for help.
Many of us are crying for help.
Cutting so deep not even caring what we are doing to ourselves.
The hurt showing on our wrists or arms.
Trying to rid ourselves of the bad and the pain, only to make more pain.

The people crying out for help, need to be heard.
Take a stance to help others.
The girl next to you could be a good friend, if only you gave her the time of day.
The person who hides the scars with wristbands maybe be lonely.
Cutting is the coping mechanism.
The only way they can find solace from the world that was so creul to them.

During this period voices may appear.
Making you go insane.
Trying to get you to off yourself.
Telling you the world doesn't need another person like you.
Telling you are a fucked up person.
Some may seem like they are crazy but you would never know becuase you chose to ignore that person.

A life could have been saved if only you gave them the time of day.
Hurt and torn they believe that everyone is lieing to them.
Some even go as far as doing drugs to numb the pain.
Nothing can ever numb the ever agonizing pain.
Humans don't see what they do to each other.
Eventually the high will wear off and you are back at square one.

Befriend a person in need.
You may just save a life.
You may meet your life long best friend.
Nobody knows what they will grow up to be and many never will.
Taking their own lives before they could do many things.
Before they go through school.
Before finishing college.
Before getting their driver's license.
Before getting married.
Before having kids.
Their lives cut short because many people love to torment them.

Why do we torment others?
Why do we point out their flaws?
We all have our own flaws but yet we like to pick on others.
Why don't we just take a look at ourselves?
Why not look at your flaws?
Nobody is perfect, although we would love to think that.
If there were perfect people we wouldn't have wars.
Life would be so peaceful.

Comes in many ways.
To name calling, to bullying.
Some people even take it to extremes and pull pranks on some undeserving person. Making them cry themselves to sleep.
Making them wonder why they were put here on this earth.
Making them question why they were even born in the first place. I
know because I have been through it all.

The emotions that run through you are so overpowering.
It smothers you like you can't breath.
Like someone gripping so tightly onto your neck that you can't breath.
Gasping for breath they release the pain through self harm or suicide.
Many suicide's are successful and many weren't.
The families that lost someone to suicide were devestated.
But it all leads back to being tortured.
Being called fat, ugly, worthless, being raped.
No matter the cause people had to find ways to deal.

My way is through my writing but I hate to see others hurt.
I hate starting rumors and hate having rumors started about me.
If you are one to pick on someone try walking a mile in their shoes.
Take a look at what they see, what they think.
See what they go through everyday.
I bet you would be wondering how they go through life like this.

Many people are fighters.
They fight the criticism.
They fight just to make a name for thereselves.
To help others through the ordeals that they have been through.
Than society tells them they are not good enough.
That they are a bad influence on everyone.
What about the people that inflict the pain on others?
Don't you have anything to say for that. No they don't.
That is where I see many things wrong with society.