Night Noise

The clock tick, tick, ticks away
As the sun settles on another day.
The shadows filter in, swallow everything in sight.
And the clock tick, tick, ticks, bringing in the night.

My heart thump, thump, thumps in my fragile chest,
As I moan and writhe, craving rest.
But there’s never rest, there’s no reprieve.
My heart thump, thump, thumps, but I cannot breathe.

Just as I think I’ll surely go insane
I hear a knock, knock, knock on my window pane.
But even as my feet kick to the floor
There’s a knock, knock, knock on my door.

My heart thump, thump, thumps with wonder and fright
As I search for my visitor in the night.
And he pulls me from my unhappiness
And my heart thump, thump, thumps with excited bliss.

The clock tick, tick, ticks away
Counting down to the new day.
But when I’m with him I lose track of time
And the clock tick, tick, ticks, but the alarm doesn’t chime.