Last Resort

Last resort

She didn't really know him
But it didn't really matter to her
All she saw of him was a tiny picture
A tiny piece of a forgotten reality
She wants to love him
But cannot
Because she cannot love herself
He wants to love her
To tell her she is beautiful
And she is the only one for him
The only one that can brighten up the shadows in his life
But he can't
He is afraid of what other people think
And fears his friends laughter
So he does not tell her
What he doesn't know
Is that not telling her has made things
It has completely destroyed her
And made her sad
It has wrecked her image of herself
And left her heart
Broken, in to tiny pieces that can't be put back together
Too bad he didn't know, that even through the rejection he put her through
He is still all she can think about
And the only one that she wants to be there
When she