The Walk

The autumn breeze crawls up my skin which tingles with shivers.

The waft of air just lingers there like gum stuck under a table.

Leaves dangle off branches like earrings in one’s ears, waiting to be torn off.

The colors shock me the most.

The vivid reds, dull greens, dark browns, faded yellows and orange.

The list could go on forever.

One leaf, though, flies free away from the jail.

I stroll along until something catches my eye.

I stop in my tracks. A barren tree. This early?

“Global warming,” I mutter as I stomp along.

I continue my slow pace as I stare up at the clouded sky. What time is it?

Finally, a few minutes later, a breeze drifts by and I unclench my fist.

I didn’t notice my fist until the breeze released its grip on me.

Strange as it may seem, but not strange..

I sneak a glance at a sky now illuminated with rays of light in rare places.

Leaves crackle under me, birds caw, vehicles growling in the distance.

Anger burst through me like lightning striking the ground.

It quickly fades away as I realize I too am the villain, car keys dangling in my purse.

Peace and quiet never remain with me anyways.

I walk and walk and walk until I halt to a stop. Again.

Light struts out of the tree tops, flooding onto the ground.

Things never turn out the way I like.

Neither has nature or my walk.