
My head is all a shiver,
With every thought that floats by,
I can't stop thinking about them,
Giving myself so many painful headaches,

When I wake up in the middle of the night
I cry so many empty tears,
Just to know what my head is thinking
And stitching what it thinks should be done,

I can't help wanting something,
Even though it would make me lose everything,
I can't see anything right anymore,
I'm a waste or time and space.

All I see
Are my dreams replaying over and over again,
It makes me feel so empty,
I will do anything to feel whole again,

My heart is beating for two
And I can't stop it to beat for one,
No matter what I do now,
Nothing is going to help,

This is the life I have to live
I just can't do this anymore,
It hurts so much,
Just someone let me be free,

Freedom is what I need,
To be able to walk around
And not be haunted by my dreams,
But it's never going to happen.