One Second of Complete Bliss

Recents events have brought about the destruction of my mind and feelings, leaving me dull, like I have nothing left in me. No life. Nothing. My mind destroyed and filled with dark, deep thoughts and tiny bits of bliss. A state stuck between the realms of sanity and insanity, topped with a painful temptation of suicide and remaing bliss and meaning telling me to live and carry on my endless journey for saviour from myself.

Another recent event that came so unexpected... made me shed a single tear of joy and hold my hand right where my heart was, as I slowly blacked out into my own world and told myself: this isn't real... you're dreaming. Wake up. But it was so very real, and it was possibly the end of my thought-to-be-endless journey for saviour from myself. How my life and feelings bacme so light and tearful, it was beautful. So beautiful. So blissful. There was a second of no pain, no hate, no feeling of death, suicide and insanity. And pain. There was only that one beautiful second of complete bliss, one second I long to get again.

The after-events only brought the fall of of my bliss and filled me with more pain, and so the journey continued...