Little flower

Little flower,
My best friend
little flower
why won't this end?
Your petals are falling and your stem is weak
The earth is claiming you, I begin to shriek.
Why won't you fight back?
your roots are thinned
Do you enjoy this madness?
to bend at his whim?
the flower I once knew
was strong and kind
The flower I look at now
is tortured and blind.
Do you enjoy what this is doing to me?
as I watch and cry?
do you have any idea
how much I miss you and I?
Little flower
please don't cry
Little flower
Please don't die
I'll miss you dearly if you go
I've stalled the winter
faught back the snow
why isnt that enough?
why can't you see?
that the soil you trust
is toxic and seedy.
Don't believe his lies
and don't believe his pleas
He just want's you to rot
my little daisy,