Society's Prisoner

The hands of society have me in iron,
locked in a cage.
The bars set so closely together,
so nothing comes in and certainly nothing comes out.
Within the cold confines of my prison
I peer out at the world.
Everyone is in a cage, a hostage to tradition.
The only ones remotely free,
are those now dead and gone.
And as I sit there,
longing for freedom,
pleading for escape.
Society’s minions surround me,
forcing me into their mold.
The walls of my cell will close around me,
seeking to suppress my will,
my dream.
But I will struggle.
Refuse to fall to the ever-constant temptation to just give up.
And as I fight,
the cell walls will crumble.
Unable to destroy my will.
And I will be free,
at last,
to be myself.
But until that joyous day,
when the walls come crashing down,
I shall remain chained, and bound,
a prisoner to society.