The Spot

Walk along the sand of the hottest beach
Past the horizon of furthest reach
To the trees with the stars glowing high up above
There seek the one that you truly love

Take them by the hand, step out into the night
Follow the star, to which you have plight
Away to the shore, that no-one can see
"No-one shall know, just you and me"

This is the spot where it first began
Created the Earth, created man
The weak gave up early, the wise looked to far
Don't search or worry, just follow the star

You can tell how I'm feeling, know when I'm upset
Tears slide down my cheeks, yet still no regret
Yet you don't turn, run away or hide
In fact, you come closer and stay by my side

Some try to break, what we've already made
A fortress of trust which none can degrade
Though we may be defeated and no-one would care
Hold on by a thread, revenge makes it fair

Lie still on the shore, look out to the sea
If she's not there with you, where could she be?
Don't close your eyes, don't let yourself cry
There's a good reason, yet you still wonder why

A small shiny speck, a glint in the tide
Appears two together, bobbing side by side
The waves sway the speck, floating forever nearer
Won't wonder much longer, it's all becoming clearer

A message in a bottle, a little bit of hope
Perhaps moral advice, or just a way to cope
Toppled in the backwash, the bottle on the sand
A cracked bottle, a scrawny note, wished upon the land

Do you dare to read it, what if it's not for you
How will you tell, what shall you do?
Pull the cork and catch the note, take a deep breath and sigh
Open the note, dreams are crushed, the note reads, "Goodbye"

Your heart rips in two, the world drowns to black
Throw the note to the ground, see something on the back
Does the smallest thing show that you care?
The smallest speck of hope holds you there
There's more to what you see in everything we do
The note continues:
"I love you."