Heroism and Bravery

Heroism and Bravery
"Why is it so cold?"
An innocent girl asks
She wouldn't understand
It's what the world masks.

She doesn't know why
Why everyone seems to cry
It's something few understand
Why men must be sent to die.

In a desert far away
Heroes stand strong and tall
Though dirtied with life
The men are brave through it all.

Perhaps this is what is needed
A little discipline and war
To make some people realize
Life won't be like before.

Brave men die far away
Protecting us from harm
A young man looks down
He forgot his good luck charm.

In an instant his life is gone
Torn away from the ground
In the distance a man lies fallen
With his hands and feet bound.

In a world far from war
People cannot see
What these men do
Their heroism and bravery.

So when the girl asks
"Why is it so cold?"
It's because of the men
That we can no longer hold.