The Stars Are Crying

the stars are falling down
in time of heart beats and headaches
and the dreams are rising up
as quickly as you look over here
the glances and eye rolls plays in place
it's just everything that's me and you
quiet phone calls
and 'no more' spoken out loud
no one matters if no one cares
it's just a sense we all know but keep quiet
it's everything falling into place
when i scream and you shout
harmonizing magically
the rise and fall of hearts ring in our ears
broken paths we don't want to follow
but end up doing it anyways
can you tell me something
keep me up and let go
I'll know once i hit the ground
hey mother
stop showering your glances of 'concern' and 'love'
and maybe i can stop being so weak
knowing glances and fake words
five minutes worth of confusion free conversations
meet me at the next truck stop 'cause we're so ready to leave
and make sure to get your pass, your bags in your hands
say goodbye to lifeless love
we'll live behind the shadows of the imaginary
break the noses of hate and misery
let's fly way away from home
you can lead, I'll try to follow
down the road to losing ourselves
never resent the thoughts of being
and you'll be able to say you were everything
it's the end of the world
although it's really not
and it's disaster with an ending
only written in words etched on your forehead
the headlights look like diamonds
the hills caked with frosting
nothing was actually something that grew into everything
it was really just a matter of time.