My Best Lyssa Ever!

i follow in her footsteps. are footsteps are almost identical yet different.
we are related in God's eyes. in God's church we are almost God sisters.
we are the glue to our friendship.

we love the same things.
but they are only material things.
we are real.

we treat each other well. we had had bumps in the road.
but we've always managed to smooth it out into a flowing,
never ending river.

our friendship will last forever.
fore it is very strong yet gentle.
anyone who stands in the way of that.
shall answer to us.

in God's eyes we are to be best of friends.
don't mess with it.
God knows best.

she is a sister in my eyes and always will be.
we will never let the flow die.
because we are never ending.

we will live eternally and always will.
I love my best lyssa ever!