the in-crowd,

no one is really in the in-crowd,

we are all outsiders,

outsiders are who express themselves,

expressing themselves like no one else does,

what the hell is the in-crowd?

what means to be popular?

it means nothing.

just to be known is a blessing.

being with people who are just like you is awesome.

not to be judged by who you are.

dr king said "to be judged by the content of your character".

why are teenagers and adults being killed every waking moment?



teenagers scare the living shit out of me,

they could care less unless someone else will bleed,

it's true,

one of my chemical romance's songs "teenagers",

what has our society come to? to an end.

following other people's ideas and perspectives,

thinking it's right,

but it's not,

it sucks,

see, i express myself,

i love rock music in a sea of kids who mostly loves rap music,

being criticized for the music that i love,

i'm not going to stop listening to it because of you,

i can't change myself for you,

it's what makes me me.

all i can say to the people who don't like me or my self-expression, " who do u follow?",

to myself, i say 'GIVE EM HELL KID.