Kill List

Kill list: Death by Freedom?

By poison I can take your life

or slit your throat with a knife

cut the wires to your breaks

fill your bed with deadly snakes

or hang you high with a rope

make marble pudding and watch you chock

toss the toaster in your bath

build a bomb with science and math

fill your room up with CO2

OD you by needle in the toe

hire some thugs to beat you up

call your girls dad and set you up

on a railroad track I could tie you down

chain your arms and legs and let you drown

smash your nose into your brain

trip you down stairs with a cane

take you to a cliff and push you over

speed past your car and suddenly go slower

into your pool drop a man-of-war

put you in a cage with a wild boar

at night set your house on fire

strangle your throat with a wire

take a baseball bat to your head

there are so many ways you can end up dead

yet none of these offer a safe defense

but to allow me a gun just doesn't make sense?

don't think we're children and your taking our toys

you just took away one that made to much noise

so why this freedom do you take away?

I don't need a gun to kill you today.