
Waiting by the old oak tree in the cemetery
You said you'd be there by midnight
It's past twelve so I start to leave
When you pop out from behind the tree
I'm instantly drawn to you
Maybe it's your eyes, the way they shine in the moonlight
Maybe it's your pale skin, so soft and smooth
Maybe it's the way you kiss me
Or maybe just maybe it's because your a vampire
Because your so dark and mysterious
You appear at all the right times
Making me forget all my troubles and pain
I want to be with you forever
So that I feel no more
You say you can fix that
You tell me to meet you here at midnight tomorrow
Before you go you say, "Enjoy your last sunrise."
I did as you told me and came back at midnight
There you were by the tree waiting for me
I run to you and we kiss
When you reach my neck I feel your fangs enter my body
My eyes roll back and I moan
"You'll never feel pain again.You shall live in eternal darkness forever, with me."