
I take each day one step at a time
Praying that each step will become easier.
But with each step the pain grows worse.
Each day the cut in my heart bleeds again.
When will these feelings end?
How long will it take for my heart to mend?

You left me bleeding
Alone and confused on what to do
I am walking in a world that has been flipped
No restraints to keep me from falling
Into the black abyss that is waiting below
Tell me you were wrong to save me from falling again

I want to stop these tears from falling
I used to be so strong
The walls around my life have just begun to fall
Please someone stop them
Before they crush me underneath it all

You left me bleeding
Alone and confused on what to do
I am walking in a world that has been flipped
No restraints to keep me from falling
Into the black abyss that is waiting below
Tell me you were wrong to save me from falling again

I want to hold my head high once more
To show the world I'm beautiful
No matter what life's put me through
I may be torn and bruised right now
But I'm hoping in time I will heal

You left me bleeding
Alone and confused on what to do
I am walking in a world that has been flipped
No restraints to keep me from falling
Into the black abyss that is waiting below
Tell me you were wrong to save me from falling again

Once again I'm here on my own
Finding my way in this flipped world
Wondering when things will turn around
I guess only time can tell
Exactly when my heart will heal.