Help me. Save me.

It hurts so bad
And there’s so much blood
I’m drowning in
This crimson flood

My thoughts are all
Over the place
I need you here
Need to see your face

I need you to tell me
That you care
That instead of this blade
You will be there

Can you dry my tears?
Wash the blood away?
Whisper to me
“It will all be okay”?

The cuts can be soothed
Only by your soft touch
But I know you don’t care
And it hurts me so much

You don’t give a damn
That I bleed every day
And because you’re not here
I’ll never be okay

If you were here now
There would be no blood
No cuts on my arm
No deep crimson flood

If I could be strong
These walls wouldn’t be red
I wouldn’t be in love with you.
I wouldn’t be dead.