My first love

How could you?
Leave me
After all I have done
After everything I said
For another girl
You said you loved me
But I know that wasn’t true
But I loved you
With all of my heart
No one liked you
They said you would do this to me
But I didn’t listen
They said I was too good for you
They said you were corrupting my life
But I didn’t leave
I stayed
Because I loved you
Those special moments
Meant everything
Each time you touched me
My whole body convulsed in pleasure
You were my drug
My high
I couldn’t get enough of you
Then you left me
How could you?
When you said those words
That you loved another girl
I stood there in shock
My heart crumbled to pieces
As I watched you walk away
I couldn’t stand to watch you love someone else
I realized that I could never love again
I would never have that ability
Then I became enraged
My eyes draining of emotion
I wanted to kill you
I no longer loved you
I hated you
With a passion
You ruined my life
I isolated myself
And shut everyone out
But one little piece of my shattered heart
Still loved you
I knew I would never let you go
Because you were my first love
I finally understood that quote
“Love never dies a natural death. But it dies of illness and wounds.”