
I'm here surrounded by a lot of people, but one by one they're walking out into the plane darkness surrounding us.

One by one they leave and I watch them until I cannot see them anymore, and all I see is only the footprints left of the roads they have taken.

One by one, until I was the only one left in this darkness with only the footprints as company.

I've counted the number of roads taken, and there were so many that I now felt how many people used to be around, and then I felt how lonely I was.

I've wondered where all the people went and had the feeling that I should go and follow one of the roads already made, but then I turned around and saw a place of total darkness with noting on it. No footprints or anything.

I debate over whether I should venture out to see what would be there at the end of all this darkness, and going where all the others when. Or whether I should stay here in this place with only the footprints around me and the path with nothing; basically waiting for me.

You know what, I've decided I'm going to venture out into the world to see what everyone else became and to see if I can make something of myself.

I take my first step out into the darkness, then another. I look around and see all the other footprints slowly disappear out of my sight.

I walk straight forward into the world, beyond the place I once knew.