Don't Worry bout me

I sit here with the blood still flowing
I feel the burn in my wrists
It's painful....but at least it gets my mind off everything
I don't want it to stop
When it does....I cut again
I cut too deep
I fall to the ground
I'm lying in a pool of red...
You find me and try to wake me
You bring me to the hospital
They tell you I'm gone....
You curse the world
You cry over my body

Don't worry about me
I'm in a better place
I'm thinking of you....

You find a note in my breast pocket
You read it and start to cry even harder
The notes says only 6 words:
I love you....and am sorry....

Forever more you'll think of me...
Forever more you'll ask what you did wrong

But don't worry...
I'm in heaven...
I'm with my father...forever more
I'll see you later..
So please don't cry any more