from begianing to end
start to finsh
past to presant
the time line grows
but what does it show

in the begaining there where two
they fell in love
tasted forbidden fruit
held each other close
showed us the way

from the start i loved you
you took me in
showed me how to love
made me feel needed
you showed me the way

together we make it though the past
no matter what came up
you where there to dry my tears
fix my wounds
mend my heart

here we are still together to this day
nothing can stop me
when i am with you
nothing will harm you
as long as i am here

in the end
when we are old and gray
as our bodys die and decay
our souls will sore
high into the clouds

holding hands at heavens gates
we will learn to fly together
god will welcome us with open arms
telling us there will be nomore pain
in this city of gold

as you spread your wings
i smile to myself
seeing your halo glow
hair blowing in the wind
you touch the sky

i follow close behind
as we lay upon a cloud
we drift to sleep
i catch myself saying
i love you angel

you are my sunshine
the light in my eye
the one that has been there
though the good and bad times
the only one for me

if i should die
before my sunshine
i will wait at that purly gates
for my angel
so we can learn how to fly