Dragon Heart

The heart of a lover…
The heart of a warrior…
The heart of a Dragon…

Many battles rage
In my heart
And in my head
Rise, when I fall
Even with this
Broken heart of mine
Fight on I shall

Many false lovers cross my path…
But this Dragon heart of mine
To them it does not belong!

I wonder,
Can anyone melt this frozen heart?
Melt the ice away,
So the water may flow?

Chance or fate?
Matters, does it not…
For this Dragon has found another
A Dragon as strong as himself
She melts the ice around his frozen heart…

The Ice melts away
Time it takes,
But time she gives him.
For his heart belongs to her

As the water flows
The warriors finds,
His reason to fight
For her!
For her, an army he would battle
Just to be in
Her warm embrace!

And so it is so,
The Dragon finds the Dragon
To whom holds
The other half of his heart
Making him whole at last!
Completing him, both
Heart and Soul!

For he is,
Her lover…
Her warrior…
Her Dragon…