I am

By a lost little poet.

I am a person who wants to run away.
I wonder if anyone would miss me if I disappeared.
I hear the screams as my house goes up in flames with me still inside.
I see the flames on the other side of my bedroom door as engulfs my room.

I am a person how has forgotten how to feel.
I pretend that it doesn't hurt while I burn to ash.
I feel "nothing" as I try to really convince myself that the pain is in my head.
I touch the sky as my body burns into nothing.
I worry if this was the right thing to do.
I cry because i feel I have made a mistake.

I am a person who is now completely lost.
I understand that ,this to you seems to be a mistake.
I say this is no mistake - not to me.
I dream of a wold that will now not have me in it.
I try not to look at the eyes of the screaming, crying people as I leave.
I hope that you'll forget me.

I am a little lost 14 year old girl.