Here's Your Letter

Here's your letter, darlin',
I wrote it three hours ago,
I wrote it for you,
Just so you could know,
How much I love you,
How much I miss you,
The way I wish that I could see you again.

Open the white envelope,
Open up the paper within,
Read it to yourself,
Make sure no one else can hear it.
Because this letter, darlin',
Is yours only,
Is for you to keep forever,
And remember me.

Do you recognise me yet?
Yes, I'm that kid from your art class,
The one who watches you closely,
The one who looks away when you look at me,
The one who wishes that school could last all day.
I'm the one who follows you around,
Trying to make you know me,
Even though, I know that you're too good for me.

Please read my letter, darlin',
It would mean so much to me,
Reply to it with that sweet smelling scent
That lingers on your skin...
Reply my letter, darlin',
Make my life complete.