Static Electricity

What have we here-
A hand maiden of poor choices-
Aching in the shadow drenched corner,
She waits-
Wringing her hands in mental turmoil;
She knows not what awaits her-

He sees her there,
In the darkness bound by her misgivings-
Alluring and all together beautiful-
He watches and memorizes her face;
Wanting more of this fragile angel-
He adores without knowing-

Both drawn to each other,
But both so far away-
In mind, body, soul,
They have walled themselves away from others-
She sees him,
He speaks to her-

They have before them a Choice-
To live a life not worth living;
Or to spend eternity wrapped in safety as one-
Souls that speak to one another often have a purpose-
They find themselves clinging, not understanding-
They are drawn despite their Pain, Hurt-

“To what extent do I owe you?”
She sings in hushed tones-
As lightning flows around them in a storm of envy,
He wraps her tighter inside himself, whispering-
“Nothing you pay me could ever be enough-
Just give me yourself, that I may pay you with Love!”