Knight of Darkness

Repair thy shield,
Replace thy armor,
Configure to the night as you once did;
Beat the Demons at their own games!

I lied to you-
When I said that I cared not;
I was grieving for myself- For you- For us-
I was want for what I could never have!

As you ride, I dream-
Forsaken though I have been,
No one could make me stop the flood Bursting, Coursing my veins-
For you I have given all, so be not afraid to come!

They watch me in the soothing dusk;
Often they come to me, begging me to forget-
But what I’ll never show;
It is because of this long eve that I could not refuse you!

Come to me and do your Will-
They cannot interrupt our union,
I will not let them-
Bargaining is for those who have something to trade- Trade I will not!

Pack me safely onto thy steed-
Carry me far off from here,
Where the lying vermin cannot follow-
I’ll lay with you forever-more!

You have rescued me in due time-
I owe you all of my Life,
Love for all of time-
You came with the Shadows,
You left with the morn-
Stealing away into the Village of Need,
I gave you all you’d desire to make God speed-
Now let us dance into Forever,
Wearing the locket of Cloak and Dagger-