Living Dead Girl

Little living dead girl has nothing left to say
Tracing the stars that fall when lights turn acid gray

She screams in silence all the day
Like a million girls by our frostbite sun
Bury the coffin six feet under
Where a body should lay, we find none

Trim the lace from her coffin
Sew it back to hem her dress
Stealing glances from the boys
That make her such the actress

With slender spider fingers
She slides down your arms
And whispers in your ears
How far and long she’s come

Let her walk along our streets again
As she had wished before
When there was life under her skin
That left with the gun next door

By night she prowls the earth
Not looking for revenge
But asking for a friend
Who will try to understand

An effort made in the time wasted
Makes no difference, the deed was evaded

A mistress of her time
And a kin to the men
Who have shared her fate
As she walks among them

If you see her floating by on any lonely night
Take her by the hand and make sure to hold it tight

Because you see her everyday
You never noticed until now
You never looked at her this way
When her petals took their bow

Don’t let her slip away again
She’s your own truest friend
Who’s failed among the living
Who wishes she was dead
You thought you weren’t afraid
Of anything, you said
And now you’ve come to realize
Her death is what you dread

Because she’s slipping through your fingers
And the misery that killed still lingers