
I Love You. I will love you forever, and i will always mean it. You see...When i say 'I Love You', I make a promise. I promise you that I will always want whats best for you, I will always be there for you, and no matter what happens I will never stop doing my very best to keep that promise because I truly unquestionably, and unconditionally love you, only you, Forever and Always. Nothing or no one will ever change that.

When i first met you, I never would have imagined that I would have such strong feelings for you. I never thought I would have dreams about you, or miss being by your side or get butterflies in my tummy when someone mentions your name. When i first met you i never would have thought that i would Love you like this.

Do you know that i love you? i probably already told you, but I'm going to keep saying it. there is no lies in these words, not one bit.Your smile keeps me alive, its one more reason to keep fighting. I would give you my soul for comfort, even if it leaves me dark and cold. And when I hold you close, I can feel your heart beat fast. And i think to myself... I've found that someone atlast

I <3 you