all the same

The noises are deafening,
Laughter and screaming surrounds,
Lecturing and teaching taking place,
All is quiet after the bell rings,
All of these noises are familiar and comforting to me...

The bell rings for the last time,
Car doors slam, the bus engines run,
Car tires squeeling, car horns honking,
All of these noises are normal...

Car door opens,
Bodies welcomed into warm homes,
Then the questions begin to be asked,
It's De Ja Vu all over again...

More questioning, accusations, screaming,
Yelling, doors slamming closed, feelings hurt,
All of this is normal...

Screams undecipherable now,
Fresh hot tears run down cheeks,
Eyes glistening and shining,
Depression sets in,
It's all the same as before...

Fear and hate enters tearing through,
Into reality the cutting starts,
Blood rolling down the arm,
Blood and tears staining the clothes,
It all dosen't matter now,
It's all the same...

Then the call,
Kind, love, and care with each word uttered,
So much love and affection,
Comfort and assurance,
This is the best part of my life,
This i'm happy to say is also normal...

Minds resting still filled with hate,
Memories flow through,
thinking about previous calls and discussions,
The tears start rolling again,
Rushing, shining with hop and dream,
Slowly crying myself to sleep....

Then I wake up and it's tommorrow....

today is the tommorrow you worried about yesterday