I Are Emo Poet.

I'm more bad-ass than you'll ever know.

I skateboard down the water slides,
I step in front so I can hide.
I close my eyes so I can see,
The painted glass in front of me.
Stand up tall so I can pray,
Big man upstairs has gone away.
Maybe I'll kneel this time around,
Pray to the big man underground.
My vandalism gets me paid,
And when I'm sick I'm out all day.
My grades are F, I'll graduate
It isn't teachers that I hate.
Are you the one I'm raging for?
I rob the bank and buy the store.
I'll be a cop and catch the victim,
Murder Don and get the cash in.
Save the buildings, cut the trees
Fly overhead, get on your knees.
Cut your legs and scrape your arms,
My enemies are never far.
Silly little poem writer,
Screwing on the wrong head tighter.
In order to look through my eyes,
You have to be what I despise.