
So this is where we stand now
You over there, me over here
You've grown up and moved on
I'm still clinging to these memories of the past
I can't let them go, they comfort me
Catching your gaze, I see a sorrow and a distance
As if you knew I was hurting, but did nothing to help
Nothing like this happened in the past
But you grew up and you left me
A silence rings out between us
It's almost deafening and it confirms my fears
You don't need me around anymore
As hurt as I am, I still smile for you
I still keep you in my thoughts, wondering what you are up to
Wondering if you're happy, and if you even remember me
You've become someone I don't know
It’s a strangers face I see when you are around
There's nothing to talk about anymore
And I fight back my tears
My heart is breaking, although I knew this was going to happen
So when you go away, I'll still keep you in my memory
You'll still be my friend, but the friend who was always around
Not this stranger you've been come
So now these memories will stay in a box in my mind
Only accessible by me
Never going to be shared, for they are the only things I have of you
My best friend, my close friend, but now a…stranger
So this is what growing up means...