Father, Hear my Plea

The beating of my empty heart
Reverberates down my spine.
The pain comes in strings echoing
Through my bones.
The emptiness inside of me
Created by your absence.
And the knowledge that you’ll
Never walk me down the aisle,
Passing me off to the man whose
Constant presence will slowly fill
The gaping hole.

The lack of memories in my head,
Your non-existent presence lingers
Eating away at any chance of hope,
That everything will be okay again.
That you hadn’t walked out the door,
Into a black hole, devoid,
Like the memories.

Like my docile limbs are
Strapped to an electric chair,
The muscles fried,
The ligaments aching,
And my eyes pleading,
Its torture knowing you
Won’t be snapping pictures of me
Walking across the stage,
Accepting my future.

The nights I spent sitting on the stairs
In contemplation, and relaxed anticipation
Like an obedient mutt waiting for its owner.
Waiting for you to saunter through the door.
To waltz back into our lives,
To take back all those cutting words,
Mommy and you threw,
To forget what you did to stir those words.
But my young naivety passed.

Wishing upon stars,
Praying to God you’d return,
The passing moments,
The memories you’ve missed out on,
The blissful moments we could have shared,
Are but fantasies in the stone reality like a floor,
Cold, hard and painful to fall back into.