
A cellular device used for unnecessary communication
That makes indistinguishable and yet obnoxious noises collides with
A pair of black sunglasses that sits in aloofness.
And like Cinderella’s glass slipper,
Fragile but worn none-the-less.
The leaking pen, a purple fountain
Spouting blue ink
Relaxes amoung the spare change.
Silver dimes, and brass pennies flirt and
Jingle melodiously with the single pen.
All while the journal,
With its need for organization,
Tries to keep its papers together
Since it’s magnetic button has fallen off.
Probably clinging to those playful coins.
The most egotistical object held in the pink leather bag
Would be the clashing wallet.
With its green leathery fabric
Adorned with white inlayed pearls,
And diamond studded emblems.
It dwells on the highest level of the purse
Staying well on top of the other, unworthy contents.
Being needed the most by its user,
And thus having the most contact
it is worshipped like a God.
It is the top of the pyramid.